
LVAC News is an online publication launched by the Lakeshore Village Artists' Co-op Communication Committee in February 2023. Its aim is to fulfil the co-op's mission statement:

"To provide affordable, secure housing and studio space for working visual and other artists in a supportive co-operative environment, and to promote this co-operative arrangement within the artistic community."

Community arts and news

Visit LVAC News to learn about arts and co-op related events at LVAC and in the wider community.

LVAC member newsletter

By subscribing to LVAC News, approved LVAC members will get access to both public web content and member-only newsletters delivered to their email inbox.

About the co-op

The Lakeshore Village Artists' Co-operative was founded in 1993 as part of a movement to create affordable artists' housing in Toronto. Visit the LVAC website to learn more about the co-op and how to apply for a studio.

Site editor: Lilian Radovac
Event submissions: Henry Buzádi
Contributors: Pat Lewis, Melanie Little, Kim Fullerton, Sèphera G., Sarah Jane Gorlitz
Cover photos: Larry Miller
Logo: Bill Buzádi

© LVAC Communication Committee 2023-24