FILM SCREENING: Welcome to Pandora

FILM SCREENING: Welcome to Pandora

A darkened image of the shoot for Pandora depicting two members of the production crew standing near a film light.

By Sèphera Girón

When I first applied to LVAC over ten years ago, I had visions of a robust artists’ community where we’d hang out with each other and help each other with our projects.

As I mark my sixth year at the co-op, the first of this dream has begun to come true.

Last winter, I was asked by my next-door neighbour Renee Cox if I wanted to be in her short film.

It only took two seconds for me to say, “Of course,” as I’ve been in dozens of movies and shows and love to perform.

Better yet, it would be a horror movie! For those who don’t know, I’m a horror writer so this is right in my wheelhouse.

Renee is the screenwriter, director and producer of Pandora, a short horror film that will have its inaugural screening at the MPS on Saturday, July 8th at 8:00 pm. I can’t wait.

Renee has been studying film and was one of only a very few in her class whose screenplay was selected for production.

In true co-op spirit, Renee not only involved me, but also included other LVAC members. Phallon Dunn did the editing, Sam Weller created original music, Richard Banks, Beverly Byfield and Phallon drove around the talent and Sinta Grant assisted with the project as well.

I’m so thrilled to be a part of this.

And what IS this?

Well, you’ll have to come to the free screening on Saturday night to find out!

Here’s the logline:

A bad ass teenager faces terrifying evils when she pokes her nose where she is not supposed to, learning very quickly that actions have consequences.

I’m so excited to see how the film has come together and it will be a premiere screening for me as well as for most of the team both here at LVAC and the rest of the actors and crew!

Hope to see you there!

Poster for Pandora featuring the film's title in front of an ornate wooden chest.
Sephera Giron

Sephera Giron

Sèphera Girón is the author of over twenty traditionally published books, numerous short stories and poems. She also writes screenplays and teaches Creative Writing at George Brown College.